Prescription Drug Disposal

 Disposal Sites

Drug Disposal: Drug Take-Back Options - FDA           

Proper Disposal Information

Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy   


Proper disposal of unused or unwanted prescription drugs is a key weapon in the fight against misuse.  By making these drugs less available, we can reduce instances of prescription drug abuse.  But, it’s important to dispose of them in a way that is both responsible and environmentally sound.

Do Not Flush Medications
Unless the directions say otherwise, do NOT flush medications down the drain or toilet because chemicals can pollute the water supply. Remove any personal, identifiable information from Rx bottles or packages before you throw them away.

Mix Drugs with Undesirable Substances
Mix prescription drugs with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter and put them in impermeable, non-descript containers, such as empty cans or sealable bags, to further ensure the drugs are not diverted.

Where to Dispose Drugs
According to federal guidelines, controlled substances can only be returned to law enforcement authorities. A growing number of law enforcement agencies collect controlled substances. If your local law enforcement agency does not yet collect controlled substances encourage them to do so.

POD Program –

To find out locations and why you should properly dispose of medications click on link below.

 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal here.            


  • Fact:  There are over 23.5 million people in long-term recovery in the U.S. from a substance use disorder. People do recover and get well.
  • Fact:  Adolescents experience less health risks when their parents know about what is going on with them and their lives (CDC-April 2023)
  • Fact:  DEA National RX Take Back Day reported 599,897 lbs (300 tons) of Prescription drugs collected in Michigan on October 2023 with 4675 Collections sites now In Michigan.
  • Fact:  730,000+ naloxone kits and recorded over 6,600 overdose reversals since the 2020 launch of Michigan’s Portal, at no charge
  • Fact:  Xylazine is a potent veterinary tranquilizer/sedative never approved for human use but increasingly found in the illicit drug supply and frequently used along with fentanyl.(
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