Media and Publications

Predator & Prey: Opioids' Savage Effect On Our Community: Traveres City, MI (February 2018)

East Middle School Digital Media Students and former student, Shane Bagwell take on the opioid crisis in our area 




'Hope' - The Hope Not Handcuffs Story. Families Against Narcotics 


Capitol Hill

FACT SHEET:Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions and Funding to Address the Overdose Epidemic and Support Recovery







TED Talk: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong. Johann Hari




  • Fact:  There are over 23.5 million people in long-term recovery in the U.S. from a substance use disorder. People do recover and get well.
  • Fact:  Adolescents experience less health risks when their parents know about what is going on with them and their lives (CDC-April 2023)
  • Fact:  DEA National RX Take Back Day reported 599,897 lbs (300 tons) of Prescription drugs collected in Michigan on October 2023 with 4675 Collections sites now In Michigan.
  • Fact:  Michigan has distributed more than 730,000 naloxone kits and recorded over 6,600 overdose reversals since the 2020 launch of Michigan’s Naloxone Direct Portal, which provides the opioid overdose reversal medication at no charge to community groups
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