Recovery Supports



Peer Recovery Coach Services

The NMSAS Peer Recovery Support Services focuses on individuals seeking recovery from alcohol and drug use in the northern most counties in the lower peninsula of Michigan.  The program is available to anyone 18 years of age and older seeking support for his/her recovery.  Peer Recovery Support Services are voluntary and honor all pathways in recovery.

This is a free service to individuals who want help overcoming barriers to an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle.  These services are confidential, self-directed, strength-based and holistic in nature. Peer Recovery Coaches receive 40 hours of training and an additional 16 hours of training in ethics, have lived experience, receive on-going education and volunteer their time to support others.  Recovery Coaches are truth-tellers, advocates, resource brokers and much more. 
To learn more about Peer Recovery Support Services, to become a Coach, get a Coach and/or to go to any meetings call the NMSAS Recovery Center at 989-732-1791 or visit them on Facebook. 

Multiple Pathways

Whether you have  completed  treatment and are integrating back into your daily routine, or are just beginning to navigate the lifestyle you desire,

You Pick Recovery

YOUPICKRECOVERY.ORG can assist at any point in your recovery process-

Recovery Resources:

Faces and Voices of Recovery (advocacy group)
Addictionary through Recovery Research Institute (Research)
Young People in Recovery (groups and coaching)
National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab: 
Start Your Recovery: Recovery Resources and Support: 
We Face it Together:



WEConnect - Recovery Aftercare FREE APP 

WEconnect supports recovery aftercare for alcohol and drug addiction populations by: helping you stay accountable to your new, healthy routine, creating healthy habits, keeping you connected to and encouraging communication with your private support network, and you earn rewards along the way that enhance your recovery! Plus, verifying it all through GPS location. All of your data is protected by HIPAA Compliance Standards and is secure and private.

This app addresses the most crucial time during someone’s recovery: the first year of sobriety, and equally benefits someone in long-term recovery.

WEconnect is not affiliated with any recovery program; all programs and any individual recovery regimens are welcome and are usable within the app. Some examples:

• Smart Recovery
• Anonymous Recovery Programs (AA, NA, CA, MA etc.)
• Refuge Recovery
• Dharma Punx
• Any non-affiliated programs
• 12-Step Programs
• Create your own recovery!

• Need a reminder each day to stick to your recovery program? Need a reminder to get to your meeting? How about a reminder each morning to call your mentor/sponsor? And what about a reminder to meditate? WEconnect helps you stay focused, create positive habits, and build long-term recovery by sending you those gentle reminders.

To learn more and download the APP (available for Apple and Google) go to

  • Fact:  There are over 23.5 million people in long-term recovery in the U.S. from a substance use disorder. People do recover and get well.
  • Fact:  Adolescents experience less health risks when their parents know about what is going on with them and their lives (CDC-April 2023)
  • Fact:  DEA National RX Take Back Day reported 599,897 lbs (300 tons) of Prescription drugs collected in Michigan on October 2023 with 4675 Collections sites now In Michigan.
  • Fact:  730,000+ naloxone kits and recorded over 6,600 overdose reversals since the 2020 launch of Michigan’s Portal, at no charge
  • Fact:  Xylazine is a potent veterinary tranquilizer/sedative never approved for human use but increasingly found in the illicit drug supply and frequently used along with fentanyl.(
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